One in every 50 homeowners in the United States will file a water damage or freezing claim with their home insurance provider. The average cost of these repairs is just north of $10,000. Water damage is best avoided with such a hefty price tag and a relatively high frequency of occurrence. The good news is that there are many easy ways to protect your home from water damage.
It may sound simple, but many people have no idea where their main water line is. Even fewer know how to turn it off. If that describes you, you'll want to figure that out. Someone else in your household or a neighbor may be able to help you. However, if all else fails, ask your plumber during your annual inspection. Knowing how to turn off the main water supply to your house allows you to stop flooding in your home if a pipe breaks. This alone can save you thousands of dollars in damages.
Changes in temperature and pressure. The flushing of inappropriate items like kitty litter, sanitary napkins, and the occasional batch of grease down the sink. These things age your pipes and make them more susceptible to clogs and damage. That is why having your plumbing inspected about once a year is crucial.
During an inspection, your plumber will look for tell-tale signs of damage, corrosion, and clogs. These could cause a leak over the next twelve months without intervention, and there is no guarantee that the leak will be small. These inspections act as preventative care for your pipes and save you money in the long run.
Once your annual snow or rainy season is over, it's time to check your roof. First, make sure your gutters are clear and carefully scanned for damage. Burst pipes aren't the only thing that can cause water damage to your home, so it's important to know that your roof is completely sealed against the elements. If you are concerned about your ability to safely get onto or down from your roof, enlist a professional's help.
Frozen pipes are one of the primary causes of major water damage because the water expands as it transforms into ice. This process can cause massive cracks in the affected plumbing, quickly becoming apparent once the pipes defrost. To prevent this from happening to you, use an electronic thermostat that always keeps your home about 10 degrees above freezing and wrap any exterior pipes in the appropriate insulation.
These are the four best ways to prevent severe home water damage. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible. Plenty of other things that can go wrong are much more challenging to protect against, so it helps to have a backup plan just in case. Luckily, our water restoration service has a plan.
If you require water damage restoration services in Austin, contact Wow Total Cleaning & Restoration for an appointment. Timely water removal services won't eradicate the effects of water damage, but they can prevent the damage from worsening. To protect your home and your bottom line, contact us to help start your home's recovery after water damage.
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Austin, TX 78748-3701 USA
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